After I made the post from Brother Carlos Alfredo Arana, he wrote the following to me:
"This story my mother told us impressed me much and touched my heart deeply. It was my father´s faith to be in jail-- no matter how hard or how long-- he had enough faith to put his life or reputation in risk-- it doesn´t matter what now, it matters what he did in pressing times--for the true gospel and in defending the integrity of the angels of the Lord (the missionaries). With this kind of faith and even more strong spiritual experiences, I have lived in my life, since that age I never doubted the truthfulness of the gospel Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us. My eldest two brothers Jorge and Ricardo, me, my sister Carmela and another brother who came after us, Samuel, my brother Jorge´s sons Aaron and Ezra and my own precious sons Mahonri and Scott have served as missionaries to the lord. My brother jorge´s daughter has a son who is growing up in the testimony of the gospel making four generations with the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pay tribute to my father Jorge Arana Rizabal who left us this great heritage of faith and to the Angels like you are who Our Lord in his tender mercies had sent to our lives to make up our mind and remind us of our eternal destiny." The picture is the Arana family in Ayacucho in 1966 when they were baptized by Elder Valera and Lewis.
"This story my mother told us impressed me much and touched my heart deeply. It was my father´s faith to be in jail-- no matter how hard or how long-- he had enough faith to put his life or reputation in risk-- it doesn´t matter what now, it matters what he did in pressing times--for the true gospel and in defending the integrity of the angels of the Lord (the missionaries). With this kind of faith and even more strong spiritual experiences, I have lived in my life, since that age I never doubted the truthfulness of the gospel Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us. My eldest two brothers Jorge and Ricardo, me, my sister Carmela and another brother who came after us, Samuel, my brother Jorge´s sons Aaron and Ezra and my own precious sons Mahonri and Scott have served as missionaries to the lord. My brother jorge´s daughter has a son who is growing up in the testimony of the gospel making four generations with the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pay tribute to my father Jorge Arana Rizabal who left us this great heritage of faith and to the Angels like you are who Our Lord in his tender mercies had sent to our lives to make up our mind and remind us of our eternal destiny." The picture is the Arana family in Ayacucho in 1966 when they were baptized by Elder Valera and Lewis.
decirle gracias seria poco....ya q si no fuera por usted mis Padres jamas hubieran conocido el evangelio...y quiza mi vida seria tan distinta ahora...yo soy el niño sentado en esta foto con chaqueta azul...y me gustaria volver a aquellos tiempos de niño cuando quiza eramos muy pobres pero felices...UN GRAN ABRAZO CON TODO EL AMOR DE NUESTRO PADRE CELESTIAL!!
love this stuff
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