I had
Elder Tanner Grossman one week here in the MTC while he got his visa renewed for the Moscow West Mission. He was a fine young man and we were close. I took him out to the airport instead of sending him on the metro because we had kind of bonded. The other missionaries here in the MTC all mentioned him in their letter to me this week. They loved him too. I sent this picture to his mother telling her about him. So she wrote back the following:
"But I have to share something that will knock your socks off. I was sharing this letter with my mother and happened to read your name at closing and my mom about freaked out. She kept repeating your name and then said: 'Don't you know who that is?' I said no. She said: "He was instrumental in getting Terry (Cummings) to join the church and baptized him." My mom is Helen Cummings. She is just beside herself. I sent the picture of you and Tanner to her." Another small Mormon world. Victor Merrell and I were home teachers and Ward missionaries and we visited Helen and Terry Cummings for some time. They were wonderful. I remember when we taught them about tithing and they immediately accepted that commandment without a question. It was a thrill to baptize Terry. Helen is one of the kind, gentle people of this world. She is an artist and they are a great couple. Their whole back yard was a beautiful flower garden. Just after I got this letter from Elder Grossman's mom, I got a letter from Helen saying that they had moved to South Carolina, after having lived in Butte for 5 years. What a fine memory for us to have of them and now of their grandson.
What a GREAT connection. I think of the Cummings frequently still. They are great people and yes, Helen is one of the most gentle and talented women I know!
What a great story.
Not surprising...at all.
Who aren't you connected to? Love it! Love you guys!
Oh my word..that is awesome and really not surprising like Justin said.
That is an amazing story.
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