The old frontroom, the missionary place upstairs out the back (that is now an add on to the house) and where we parked the car (now with a cover and flowers) Pictures of our new apartment to follow.
Everything looks so beautiful, the flowers... it brings me back memories of my Lima... I'm glad you got to go back and see the house... sure it is georgeous!!! Good Luck on your mission and take care of what you eat! hehe
Everything looks so beautiful, the flowers... it brings me back memories of my Lima... I'm glad you got to go back and see the house... sure it is georgeous!!! Good Luck on your mission and take care of what you eat! hehe
I can't believe how much bigger everything seemed to me as a child. Can't wait to see pictures of your new place.
This must have been surreal. It kinda freaks me out to see those pics. would love to hear what you are up to.
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