Monday, June 22, 2009

The Dog

Often when we talk with someone from home they will say, what is that dog barking in the background. This is the dog. He lives on our roof. He belongs to the Belaundes, our landlords. He is one ugly dog. We dont even notice when he is making noice. It is just part of Peru for us. Thought you would like to know.


ashleyboice said...

Finally the dog. Love it.

Scott said...

Dogs barking, firecrackers exploding, car alarms soundoing, bands playing, radios blarring, garbage trucks booming, school kids yelling, car horns honking, drunks arguing, and dogs barking. They're all part of the daily sounds of Peru.

Crisdee said...

you forgot the "ropavejeros" the bread guy, milk guy... etc, etc, etc...

Angelique said...

i am glad that you documented the dog...

duke of earl said...

i just commented under angelique's name...

Cali said...

That DOG!!! I couldn't believe you guys can just sleep through all that racket. That might be a deal breaker on an apartment for me.