Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Perpetual Ed Fund 8th Birthday

Call center staff plus Orlando Handa, Armando Rebaza, Glenn & Veronica Lamb, Doug & Connie Earl. This is our cake for the 8th anniversary of the Perpetual Education Fund. Twenty years from now this will be the biggest program in the church. We will reach 5000 students by the time we leave with 34,000 in the world. The generation of Pervians born in the church to our returned missionaries are numerous and righteous. Most will go to the fund to be educated. What a fantastic program. We love it and we appreciate the fact that most of you contribute to it. Ninety five % of the contributions to the fund are from $5 to $10 a month. Yet there are those that contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars. We only loan out the interest, none of the principal. Last year with the economic downturn nationwide and worldwide, the fund's interest assets decreased, BUT CONSTRIBUTIONS DID NOT DECREACE. Everyone is till contributing to the fund. Thank you.


We_the_People said...

No doubt that many recipients of the training and education provided by the Perpetual Education Fund will one day become leaders of Peruvian industry and talent -- maybe even the President of Peru. This one program will help the church reach into areas of influence that were unimaginable eight years ago. Happy birthday to the Perpetual Education Fund.

Brian Williams.

Scott said...

Happy Birthday, FPE! I like your little birthday caps. Very becoming.

Question: You have a call center? When people ask me about the FPE, can I have them call your call center? That would be so helpful. Can you send me the phone number by email? Grancias en adelantado.

P.S. We wish Briah Williams would comment on our blog.

Kathy’s Korner said...

What a great program and what a wonderful work you are doing there!!!!

PS Brian Williams, huh?

The Nortons said...

Doug and Connie-

You have no idea how much Eddie and I wish we could have been there. Everyone looks so happy. We love and miss you.