Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Avila and the Bullfight

This the longest inhabited and biggest walled fortress in Europe. It is called Avila.
Look at this thing. It just goes on for ever and ever.

Then we have the bullfight at Madrid's premier rink VENTAS. Arturo Macias fought brilliantly.

Dan and Jessica Nielsen Lloyd came to Madrid with their 3 children, Liz, Dan and Steve to see Steve's old mission.


Ike and Linh Earl said...

Ahh seeing pictures of Spain make me want to go over there so bad! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Well, you do look like you are having more fun than is allowed! HA! Maybe we should take a number to visit?? Going to CA in 3 weeks, crazy that we are done how do you compare this mission with the last? Unfair to ask? Stay well and happy. Love you two!